The Skin

The skin is the largest organ of the body and functions as an effective barrier to the environment. It continuously protects the body from noxious stimuli, e.g. microorganisms, ultraviolet (UV) irradiation, allergens, and irritants.

Hydration of the skin is crucial for the integrity and the maintenance of the skin barrier homeostasis. When the hydration decreases, irrespective of cause, the skin becomes dry and may cause itching and eczema. 

The skin barrier is impaired in most skin disorders and consequently concomitant skin care treatment is crucial for the skin barrier restoration.

It has been shown that topical application of skin care products, such as oil and oil-based formulations by moisturizing the skin, improves the skin barrier function by restoring hydration.

Skin care products with a high lipid content are recommended for the care of dry skin and inflammatory skin conditions.

Acne Prone Skin


- Plugged pores with whiteheads/ blackheads, comedones and red tender bumps.

- Higher and imbalanced sebum production and larger size of sebaceous glands

- Alterations in the follicular keratinization resulting in the development of micro comedones

- Hyper colonization of pilosebaceous units by Cutibacterium Acnes, which promotes inflammation.

- Impaired skin barrier

Proper skin care is considered to be an important component of the total management plan for individuals with acne prone skin.

Why should you use vegetal oils as skin care for Acne?

It is well documented that essential fatty acids (EFAs) in vegetable oils helps balance the sebum of the skin.

One study evaluated the effects of topically applied essential fatty acid, linoleic acid, on the size of micro comedones in patients with mild acne and found that it may be comedolytic for small comedones.

Please remember to use the Acne/Blemish Face Oil daily if you are prone to acne outbreaks.



Facial blushing. Dry, sensitive skin. Burning sensation. Visible blood vessels.

- Imbalanced sebum production with reduced levels of long chain saturated fatty acids

- Microbial hyper colonization of Demodex mites which promotes inflammation

- Impaired skin barrier with dry and sensitive skin

Dry Skin

An impaired skin barrier and increased trans- epidermal water loss (TEWL) causes dryness of the skin. 

Characteristics/ Features

- Skin looks and feels “rough”

- Feeling of skin tightness, itching, redness

- Slight to severe flaking, scaling or peeling, fine lines or cracks

If ignored, dry skin may lead to: Eczema or skin infections

Topical application of lipids has moisturizing effects and skin barrier repair properties. 

The supplement of adequate plant oils/butters may reduce or resolve the cutaneous imbalances that lead to excessive superficial dryness. Vegetal lipids play a key role in the maintenance of water equilibrium in the skin.

It has been shown that the cutaneous application of vegetal oils, followed by massage, can significantly increase moisturization and improve their barrier function. Moisturization is given by the integration with lipids already existing in the skin.

Ageing Skin


- Loss of elasticity

- Fine lines/ wrinkles

- Dry skin

- Altered pigmentation

- Thinning of the skin

Skin aging is classified into two types

1. Extrinsic photo aging due to external factors, mainly UV- and pollutant exposure and smoking.

2. Intrinsic chronological skin aging resulting from time and genetics.

Although it is currently impossible to prevent or reverse genetic processes of intrinsic aging, the changes caused by free radicals that trigger premature extrinsic aging can be prevented naturally with the use of oil-based skin care.

How do plant oils counteract signs of aging/premature aging?

With age, skin moisture levels decline, causing skin to become dry and dehydrated, and making fine lines and wrinkles more noticeable. Oils not only hydrate the skin, but because they are rich in antioxidants, they also fight free radical damage to cells, thereby preventing further premature aging. Oils help seal-in moisture, imparting a glowing and refreshed facial look. They provide the skin with key nutrients like vitamins , antioxidants and essential fatty acids that help reinforce the skin barrier and maintain moisture and support to protect against the environment.

A decline in UV-induced hyperpigmentation has been observed after three weeks of topical treatment with fatty acids, with the strongest lightening effect observed with omega-3 linoleic acid.